藉著一場「塵土的洗禮」來表達人在不同階段的際遇 : 人生是一埸幻象……曾經發生或從未發生的, 都在眼前一一掠過? 《不死的祭禮》是一場超越生命的祭禮。人生的歷程中, 總會憧憬未來, 緬懷過去…… 但若時間可逆轉, 又能否「回憶未來」? 時間真的只是一幕幕的幻象…… 透過與時間的對話, 觀照生命和時間, 尋找「永恆」的真正意義和價值。
Life as in cycles of the earth is pondered upon: Life seems to be an illusion…… What has happened, or what has never, flashes before our eyes. Au-delà du Temps is a contemporary Chinese dance about time and transcendence in life. Visions of the future and moments of sweet memories often intertwine in a lifetime. What if time can be reversed and the future “recollected” ? Is time merely an illusion? Through a dialogue with time expressed in dance form, try to delve into the true meaning and value of eternity.